Pokergame 868 Privacy Statement


  1. Introduction Pokergame 868 privacy statement
  2. Categories of personal data
  3. Basis and purposes for data processing
  4. Storage period
  5. Recipients of personal data
  6. Security
  7. Your rights with respect to your personal data
  8. Right to access(article 15 AVG)
  9. Right to rectification (article 16 AVG)
  10. Right to transfer data (article 20 AVG)
  11. Right to delete data (article 17 AVG)
  12. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
  13. Right to stop data consumption, objection (article 21 AVG)
  14. Duties

1. Introduction Pokergame 868 privacy statement

This is Pokergame 868’s privacy statement. This privacy statement applies to any privacy-sensitive information or personal data that you provide to us. In this privacy statement, we explain clearly how we keep your data, how long it is stored and what the exact purpose of data processing is. In addition, we provide you with clear insight into how you can exercise your rights with regard to data processing.
What does Pokergame 868 do exactly? 

At the pokergame 868 website we give information about poker with informative articles.

Because we process (or have) personal data processed in various situations, we have opted for a comprehensive privacy statement. There are often situations where Pokergame 868 needs to collect, process or use your personal data. It is important that you know what happens to your personal data and how you can express your wishes with regard to the handling of your personal data to us.
Pokergame 868 takes your privacy very seriously and will use and process personal information in a secure manner. All articles in this privacy statement comply with the applicable General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Do you have any doubts or questions about the processing of personal data by Pokergame 868? Please feel free to contact us using the details below.

2. Categories of personal data

In order to provide the best possible support to our visitors, customers and partners, it is necessary for us to collect certain data, including personal data. Personal data is data that can be traced back to a natural person. The personal data that we (generally) process is the following:

  • First name and last name;
  • (Personal) email address (note: under the GDPR, certain company email addresses can be classified as personal email addresses, for example the email address;
  • IP address.
  • We only store and use the personal data that is provided directly by you, or that is clearly provided by Pokergame 868 for processing.

3. Basis and purposes for data processing

Under the GDPR, we are required to have a legal basis for processing your personal data. Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR applies to our situation: the processing of your personal data is based on consent.
Article 13 (1) (c) of the GDPR then requires us to clearly state the “processing purposes” for which the personal data is intended. Below is an overview of the various processing purposes for which we use your personal data.
There are a number of purposes for which Pokergame 868 collects your personal data;


If you have contacted Pokergame 868 in any way, the information you provide will be stored and used for further contact. This includes name, email address and phone number.

2. Newsletter

In any case, your email address will be processed for sending the Pokergame 868 newsletter, if you want to receive our newsletter. Other data (such as your name) may also be processed. It is possible to unsubscribe from receiving the newsletter at any time.

3. Cookies, placed via (Read our cookie statement for more information)

In order to make use of the website and for the website to function properly, a number of data is stored. This includes IP address, location data, statistical and aggregated data about surfing behavior and website visits (scrolling behavior)

4. Storage period

Above, we have indicated for what processing purposes we use your personal data. Pursuant to Article 13 (2) (a) GDPR, we must also specify the retention period for the personal data.


If the contact does not result in the provision of a service or work, the information you provide will be stored for a maximum of two (2) years.

2. Newsletter

We keep the data until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. After unsubscribing, the data will be deleted.

3. Cookies, placed via (Read our cookie statement for more information)

All information about cookies is explained in detail in our cookie statement.

5. Recipients of personal data

Pokergame 868 does not currently share personal information with third parties, but Pokergame 868 reserves the right to do so if strictly required/legally required. This may be the case in legal proceedings or when a government authority asks for personal data. In the event that the data needs to be shared, Pokergame 868 will comply with the GDPR, in particular Article 28 GDPR. If Pokergame 868 decides to share personal information with third parties in the future, we will notify you by changing this privacy statement.

6. Security

Pokergame 868 takes the protection of your (personal) data seriously. In order to adequately protect your personal data, Pokergame 868 uses data encryption, including HTTPS encryption. This makes the connection between you and the Pokergame 868 website private.
Personal data is only accessible to Pokergame 868’s authorized employees. The devices where your (personal) data is stored are locked with a password and/or fingerprint scan and/or facial recognition. Of course, this includes the necessary devices, such as computers, laptops and/or mobile phones.

7. Your rights with respect to your personal data

The rights you can exercise with respect to your personal data are listed below. Here we explain in as much detail as possible how the relevant right phones can be used.

a. Right to access (article 15 GDPR)

You always have the right to view the data processed and stored by Pokergame 868. To exercise this right, please send an email with your request to:

b. Right to rectification (article 16 GPRD)

If the data stored by Pokergame 868 proves to be incorrect, you have the right to have this information rectified. Pokergame 868 will then replace the current incorrect data with the correct data.

c. Right to transfer data (article 20 GPDR)

You have the right to have Pokergame 868 transfer personal data to a similar party. This means a party that offers and performs roughly the same services as Pokergame 868.

d. Right to delete data (artikel 17 GPDR)

In certain cases, you can request Pokergame 868 to delete data. You have the option to do so with the right to be forgotten. Below is a list of situations where Pokergame 868 should delete your data:

  • When the data processed by Pokergame 868 is no longer necessary for the processing purpose.
  • If you withdraw your consent to the use of the personal data, for example by using the “unsubscribe button” on the Pokergame 868 newsletter.
  • If you object to the processing of your data. In the case of direct marketing, you always have an absolute right of objection. If your interests with regard to the processing of personal data outweigh Pokergame 868’s, you have a relative right. The data will then only be deleted if it is demonstrated that your interests outweigh Pokergame 868’s.
  • If Pokergame 868 processes data unlawfully, you immediately have the option to have Pokergame 868 delete the data. This is the case, for example, if there is no legal basis for processing personal data.
  • If a legal retention period is exceeded, Pokergame 868 is obliged to delete the processed personal data.
  • If you, as a data subject, are under 16 years of age and no consent has been given from a parent or guardian for the processing of the personal data. In this case, Pokergame 868 will delete your personal information immediately.

Please note that there may be exceptions to the right to be “forgotten”.

e. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

You always have the option to file a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that your personal data is not being processed properly by Pokergame 868. In the Netherlands, this supervisory authority is the Data Protection Authority.

f. Right to stop data consumption, objection (Article 21 GDPR)

You have the right to object to data processing at any time. Especially in the case of direct marketing.
We would also like to point out the following rights:

  • Right to restrict (part of) processing: under certain conditions, you have the right to have Pokergame 868 restrict the processing of your personal data. In short, this means that Pokergame 868 temporarily “freezes” the processing of the data. You can invoke this right in four situations: (1) pending the review of a request for correction, (2) if data should actually be deleted but you do not want to delete it, (3) if Pokergame 868 no longer needs the data while it is still necessary for (preparing for) a lawsuit and (4) pending the review of an objection.
  • Withdrawal of consent: you have this right insofar as we process your data based on your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. This has no consequences for the past, but it does mean that we are no longer allowed to process that data. As a result, Pokergame 868 may no longer be able to provide you with certain services.

Do you want to make use of the above rights?
In most cases, an email to is sufficient to exercise the above rights. If we have doubts about the validity of your identity, we can take other steps to verify it. For example, we may ask you to provide us with a copy of your ID. This is always done in the manner prescribed by the national government. In most cases, a less invasive method of identification will suffice. The use of the above rights is free of charge.
Please note that the rights described above are not absolute rights. There may be circumstances that prevent Pokergame 868 from responding to a particular request. We will always assess each request on its own merits. If we are not (able to) comply with a certain request, we will of course make this known to you with motivation.

8. Duties

Pokergame 868 processes your personal data, as indicated, on the basis of a legitimate interest.

Your personal data is never sold to a third party.
The information you must provide is the minimum personal data required for the service. If you do not provide us with this mandatory information, Pokergame 868 will not be able to provide the services (properly).

If it is necessary to share your data with other parties, your consent will of course be requested first by changing our privacy statement. We always announce changes via the Pokergame 868 website.

Pokergame 868reserves the right to disclose information when required by law, or when Pokergame 868 deems it justified to comply with a legal request or process, or when it comes to Pokergame 868’s ownership or protection. We try to respect your right to privacy as much as possible.
Do you have questions about our privacy statement? Please feel free to contact us using the details below.